At a rally in Kolar, Karnataka for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Rahul Gandhi had said, how come all thieves have Modi as their surname? Regarding this, BJP MLA and former Gujarat minister Purnesh Modi had filed a defamation case against Rahul Gandhi. His allegation was that Rahul had brought down the dignity of the entire Modi community with his remarks. Rahul, a Lok Sabha member from Wayanad, had made comments related to the matter at a public meeting held in Kolar, Karnataka ahead of the 2019 general elections.
Section 144 imposed on Vijay Chowk, preparations to stop opposition MPs
Amidst the march of opposition MPs, Delhi Police has announced imposition of Section 144 at Vijay Chowk. The police have appealed to the opposition MPs not to come here. Meanwhile, Mallikarjun Kharge said that we are protesting here for the formation of JPC in the Adani case. PM Modi wants to hide something from the people. Lalit Modi, Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi looted crores of rupees and then fled the country. Why doesn't PM Modi say anything about him.
Rahul Gandhi Defamation Case: Congress said- PM Modi did fraud by calling himself OBC After the conviction of Rahul Gandhi, the Congress has been attacking the government. Congress Chief in Maharashtra Nana Patole said, 'BJP is full of arrogance. Yesterday he used his power to make false allegations against Rahul Gandhi. People will never forgive BJP. BJP and PM Modi are looting the public. The PM has committed fraud with the public by claiming that he belongs to the OBC community. They have been shown wrong dreams. Rahul Gandhi will continue to fight for the people.
Rahul Gandhi Loksabha Membership: In the matter of objectionable remarks on Modi surname, Rahul Gandhi has got another blow. Rahul Gandhi was sentenced to two years imprisonment by the Surat Sessions Court yesterday and now his membership of the Lok Sabha has also ended. Ever since the conviction, it was being said that Rahul Gandhi's membership could go anytime now. It was only after the court's decision that the process of disqualifying Rahul from the House started and it has now been implemented. According to the rule, any MP or MLA has to lose membership after getting a sentence of two years or more.